When your kids don’t cooperate.
It Happens:
Meltdowns from the little ones, just happen. You know what I mean. I know everyone experiences it from time to time. Sometimes, there is simply nothing you can do, if the kiddo(s) are just having an ‘off’ day. Other times there are a few things that may be effective at helping them find some calmness during a crisis, or perhaps even prevent the inevitable meltdown in the first place.
Tips to Help:
Making sure you pick the right time of day for your photo shoot is key. We all have our best time of the day! And when you are able to schedule a time when you know they will be a little bit better, then they can really shine! If the kiddo(s) normally take an afternoon nap, maybe schedule the photo shoot several hours prior to or shortly after they are rested.
Make sure to feed your kids a healthy filling snack prior to your session, as this can go a long way in helping them not be hungry, or as I like to say hangry.
Talk to your kiddos about the actual process of the photo shoot. Let them know a “friend” is going to be asking them to smile and taking their pictures. Perhaps show them a picture of the photographer for recognition. (You can usually find a pic of the photography on their FB page or in the ‘About Me’ section of their website).
Don’t force the smile. It’s best to let it come naturally. I like to try and play some games to encourage them, interact with them, and hopefully get them to forget that there is a camera.
Make sure they wear comfortable clothing. If you dress them in a cute outfit, but maybe that shirt, or pants, or dress has a stiff tag or something that itches them, it’s going to be difficult to get them to ignore it. No one likes to be uncomfortable.
Finally, offer them a reward for afterwards like maybe going out to dinner or to get some ice cream. Talk to them about it being a fun family day.
Parents Don’t stress:
First off, as hard as it may seem, try to relax! It’s fine if your kids are a little bit uncooperative. It just happens sometimes. Maybe by incorporating some of the tips above, it will help get the kiddos into the right frame of mind. Alas though, it may not, and if that’s the case, you need to try to just have fun in the moment and let go of your idea of perfection. Don’t stress about it and know that one day you will look back and laugh at these wonderful memories you made.