Why we swaddle Newborns?
Swaddling is the art of snugly wrapping a baby in a blanket for warmth and security. It can keep your baby from being disturbed by her own startle reflex, and it can help her stay warm and toasty for the first few days of life until her internal thermostat kicks in. It may even help to calm your baby.
When to stop swaddling?
When’s the right time to stop? You’ll want to quit swaddling once your little one becomes more active or tries to rollover, which usually happens around 3 or 4 months. To play it extra safe, you can stop even sooner. Some experts recommend ending swaddling at 2 months, before your baby starts to ramp up her rolling skills.
What do I use to swaddle my newborn with?
- Traditional swaddling blankets: These are large, thin blankets that you wrap baby up in like a little burrito. They can be used for other things post swaddling, like blankets and burp cloths, but there’s definitely a “how do you do this?” learning curve!
- Swaddling sacks and pouches: Easier to navigate for new parents, these tend to come with things like Velcro, snaps and zippers to help you get that snug swaddle.
Here are some top Swaddle Blankets:
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000G0L2TM?creativeASIN=B000G0L2TM&linkCode=w61&imprToken=7Zs8BDe9MWjt6lrz3AA8ng&slotNum=0&tag=mlb-swaddle-blankets-20
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005MATOM8?creativeASIN=B005MATOM8&linkCode=w61&imprToken=7Zs8BDe9MWjt6lrz3AA8ng&slotNum=1&tag=mlb-swaddle-blankets-20
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MQRI584?creativeASIN=B01MQRI584&linkCode=w61&imprToken=7Zs8BDe9MWjt6lrz3AA8ng&slotNum=4&tag=mlb-swaddle-blankets-20
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F7DQ3OQ?creativeASIN=B01F7DQ3OQ&linkCode=w61&imprToken=7Zs8BDe9MWjt6lrz3AA8ng&slotNum=5&tag=mlb-swaddle-blankets-20
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTY68ZB?creativeASIN=B01MTY68ZB&linkCode=w61&imprToken=7Zs8BDe9MWjt6lrz3AA8ng&slotNum=6&tag=mlb-swaddle-blankets-20
How do I swaddle my newborn?
- Lay the blanket in a diamond shape, fold down the top corner, and then place the baby on the blanket with their head above the fold.
- Place their right arm by their side and wrap the right corner of the blanket across the baby’s chest, tucking it behind their back on the left side.
- Place their left arm by their side, wrap the left corner of the blanket across the baby’s chest and secure under their back on the right side.
- Pull the bottom corner of the blanket up and over the baby’s feet and chest tucking underneath their chin, ensuring no fabric is covering the baby’s mouth or nose.
- Job well done! Lie your baby flat on their back in their crib or snuggle closely in your arms.