I had a simple thought…what if? What if I could do something that’s inspiring, gives back, and spreads good will? I wanted to bring smiles to peoples’ faces. With so much doom and gloom, the Font Porch Project was uplifting and fun. What if I could make a difference while everybody is cooped up during this surreal quarantine?
Once I got started, I had no idea it would take off the way it did! Wouldn’t it be great to pull the community together in a time of stress and uncertainty? I was thinking about how I could give back…then it hit me.
While everybody is shuttered indoors with the COVID-19 quarantine, I wanted to bring a little sunshine to my neighbors. I live in Wentzville, Missouri, which is a suburb outside of St. Louis in St. Charles County. We’re all trying to support one another and keep the community spirit alive in the Stonemoor Subdivision, but some days it can be trying.
Everybody’s schedules have been disrupted, families are homeschooling, and people are working from their home cooped up. The quarantine can wear you down with a lack of socializing. You don’t really think about all the contact you have in your day-to-day schedule until it’s gone.
Giving Back with Lifestyle Family Portrait Photography
I decide to start a fun project as a means to give back. I’m a Lifestyle Family Portrait Photographer with a heavy emphasis on family. I’ve always been sentimental and getting to photograph families captures a sense of love and magic that can’t be replaced.
When I came up with the idea for the Family Porch Project in our neighborhood, I got together with another photographer friend in the neighborhood, and together after sending out messages, we rounded up around 60 families to participate. Sixty! I was thrilled that so many families chose to participate.
Another fun aspect was how creative each group was. It made each portrait that much more special. I got to watch family dynamics and how a group became cohesive in the moments of connection.
Lifestyle Family Portrait Photography Captures Treasured Moments
One of the things I love about lifestyle family portrait photography is how personalities and connection shines through. As you can see from the pictures, we not only have a beautiful neighborhood, but the people in it are amazing. How can you put a price on that?
Not knowing what’s up or down, or when our lives will be back to normal, this was a chance to make an impact and spread joy.
Normally, we’re all busy in our day to day lives, running around, getting to appointments, chasing details, and squeezing in errands. While it’s not everybody’s first choice to be quarantined at home, it is forcing people to slow down. It allows for quality time.
With lifestyle family portrait photography, when you capture families on film, there’s a special dynamic that comes out. The way we interact with our loved ones truly shines in pictures like these.
The Front Porch Project Continues to Grow in Wentzville and Beyond to Other Counties in St. Louis and St. Charles, MO.
Once people started to get word about the project, it continued to grow. More people have reached out and asked to be included. In fact, it’s spilled over into other neighborhoods throughout not only St. Charles County but St. Louis Counties as well. This is a fun project and I love how everyone has responded.
I’m excited to capture the images that will be cherished memories. With everything going on right now, it’s nice to have something to look forward to.
Giving back to the community has been more rewarding than even I expected. The gesture started as a small project but has grown rapidly—it’s amazing.
Tips to Create Your Own Front Porch Lifestyle Family Portrait
One tip is to relax & get ready to show the love and connection in this crazy time. Be ready to smile, laugh and hug.
Another tip is to include something special and relevant to the family. Does your child play sports? Do you want to represent your time working at home? Consider doing something fun and inventive.
If you’d like to know more about the Front Porch Project, be sure to drop me a line. If you love what we’re doing, spread the word!
Apr 19, 2020, 11:11:47 AM
Kris Hoelscher - We live in Villages of Stonegate in Wentzville off Highway A. Any chance you’ll be photographing families over here? Our daughter has a brain tumor so we are basically always home. TY!!